Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

heart that you're hurting

when we meet really sweet. but over time it is very different, all your words are very hypocritical .. and not in accordance with your actions. really sick, and sad when you cut my heart with the clarity of our love .. I may be too stupid and impatient with all this. until I strongly believe and feel that you really love me, but in reality you do not love me sincerely .. I began to feel you're not as sweet as our early dating when I was wearing and stay away from me. so we had no communication never even met .. I am very sad and confused at why you are so quickly changed when I started I sincerely love you .. so many memories of us together but it's only you to think past the wind .. You once said "whoever is against me will always stick up for you" but is now a reality "you prefer to follow the words of your parents' .. why did I realize I've menghinati and probably already has another woman. I'm really something different when you expect to, but it turns out you're just like the other hypocrites and traitors .. .. I must be strong with my decision to take the best despite the pain ..